Double Feature! Today we’ll look at two structures which are recent recipients of altered fenestration…
Recipient # 1
After a period of stagnation, work appears to have restarted on the second re-interpretation of a former church building in a nearby town. The first interpretation made an effort at retaining original features and even replicating them where feasible. The second interpretation is going in a different direction.
As Built:

This 1950’s-era photo shows the original stained glass windows (behind window screens) with matching arched transom sash intact. These windows were removed in the 1990’s and the windows were boarded up with plywood.
The First Interpretation:

The first renovation of the structure retained the mullions between the window openings. Clear glass took the place of the plywood infill. A fanlight with muntins (modeled on the porthole windows) was created to try to make the arched opening look less stark. Note the trees and sidewalk…
The Second Interpretation:

The fanlight is still there, but six new windows of awkward proportions are now below it. The bottom tier appears shorter than the one above it; the new windows have introduced horizontal lines not present before. Other alterations include new doors, storm doors, replacement lights, removal of steps, a new “deck”, removal of trees, removal of front sidewalk and a new perimeter sidewalk.

Recipient # 2
This modest brick ranch house packed a lot of Mid-Century Modern punch for its small size; the roof of a jaunty angular entry porch is supported by two pieces of iron pipe forming a “V” adjacent to the flat-roofed garage. This image from 2008 is a bit fuzzy, but still shows the original blonde front door behind a white storm door. Not very visible is a smaller window to the left – behind the “V”.

This is how the house looked 10 years ago. Image courtesy Google Street View.

Recent alterations include a bright white vinyl window in place of the original door location and replacement of a smaller window with sliding vinyl patio doors which apparently will serve as the main entry. I wonder if a white garage door is in the future? I can’t help but wonder if the plywood infill is a permanent finish and, if not, what might replace it. The mailbox remains isolated between two windows and a pile of bricks.

It’s too bad about the church. Clearly, decisions are made by committee without the input of an architect or other trained professional. This would never have happened 75 years ago.
As for the house…. Sliding glass doors make great front doors, when they are used on mobile homes.
Regarding the church, the old saying “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” seems appropriate here. I agree that this wouldn’t have happened 75 years ago, but what’s really disturbing is that very few seem to notice how awkward this is. Visual illiteracy – and indifference to it – are on the rise. I’m still scratching my head over the sliding glass doors… they make the front of the house look like the back side. I don’t get it!
The church has gone to hell!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad, funny and true all at the same time.
I think that “WTF! !!!!!!!!!!!” is wholly appropriate. Fortunately I don’t have to see the place very often; I rarely have reason to drive past it.
The church owners baffle me.
They purchased something glorious…
…and are systematically transforming it into something banal.
Humans are very strange.
I will never pretend to understand humans; I’ve given up.