Probably built around 1920, this house originally had late Prairie styling, some of which remains. The low veneer of buff brick still provides a strong horizontal emphasis while windows retain their three-over-one sashes. It’s difficult to say exactly what this house looked like prior to its style-reassignment surgery, but it is possible that there was more horizontal banding of some type. The house is a basic Foursquare in form, with small one-room extensions to the side and rear which appear to be original.
At some point, almost certainly the 1970’s, the house adopted a Tudor attitude. Faux half-timbering above some sort of stucco finish clads the first story while the second is clad in shake shingles – both 70’s favorites! Additionally, a rock veneer surrounds the entry.

The brick veneer is original, as is the corbeled planter. Both show the original Prairie intent.

Boxed eaves, rather than exposed rafter tails, further distinguish the house as originally Prairie as opposed to the concurrently popular Craftsman style. Both styles were often imposed on Foursquare forms.
“style-reassignment surgery”
That made me laugh!
And the rock veneer surrounding the entry?
That made me shriek!