Auction Action – Part 3

Auction Action – Part 3

This past weekend I attended an annual consignment auction hosted by the Lions Clubs. As usual, there were a few things of architectural or design interest. I didn’t buy anything this year because the few things I wanted to bid on were not going to be offered...
Awkward Alterations, Part Two

Awkward Alterations, Part Two

Today we’ll look at two different types of alterations which can negatively impact how we perceive a structure. Sadly, the following examples are fairly tame… there are countless others which are far worse. The first category, Indifference, will highlight...
The Piano Nobile

The Piano Nobile

Have you ever thought that some older buildings seem to be oddly proportioned — perhaps a bit top-heavy? Often there is nothing wrong with their proportions; the problem may instead be with our modern perception of what a building’s exterior should look...