This past weekend I attended an annual consignment auction hosted by the Lions Clubs. As usual, there were a few things of architectural or design interest. I didn’t buy anything this year because the few things I wanted to bid on were not going to be offered until late in the day and I couldn’t stick around. But I did take some photos of a few things that caught my eye…

Very fun! My wife would kill for the pressed tin doll house – she loves those! It takes a lot of self control to not go home with a bunch of things. . .
I’d rather have the garage or the barn, but the Mid-century Colonial Revival dollhouse is pretty cool! It used to take a lot of self-control for me not to buy a bunch of stuff at auctions, but after acquiring too much stuff over the years the self-control part just kicked in naturally at some point (thankfully).
Looks like a lot of interesting stuff there! I always enjoyed going to farm auctions with my dad when I was a kid.
The fake fireplace is interesting. I had thought those were only a recently-tacky creation!
The fake fireplace really is interesting, but I wouldn’t want to live with it. Sadly, bad taste has been around for a long, long, time!