Dominated by large steel windows filled with green slag glass, this Masonic Temple in Oberlin, Kansas, was built in 1931. The buff brick facade is elaborated with glazed terra cotta ornament which enhances the Art Deco styling of the building. Although the ground floor has seen some modifications over the years, the building still retains a great deal of originality. Designed by German-born Samuel Siegfried Voigt who came to the United States as a child, the building’s Art Deco styling reflected the current vogue. Voigt was noted for emulating popular architectural trends throughout his career of over two decades rather than working within a more focused range of expression. He died in 1937 at the age of 52 after having designed hundreds of buildings; many of them were churches or schools. Following a look at the Masonic Temple building, we’ll look at two other Art Deco designs by Voigt.

Stylized and fluted pilasters of terra cotta add verticality to the wide facade. The picture window at the lower right was originally a doorway mirroring the one at the other end of the building which is a later replacement of aluminum and glass; the original was of wood and glass. The rectangular panels over the later awning conceal original stained glass transom sash. Four doors beneath the awning lead to tenant space.

The square and compass – the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol – caps the two center-most pilasters. The slag glass windows have had a few repairs over the years…

More colorful designs cap the outer-most pilasters which flank small balconies.

The angular patterning of the iron balustrade — and the stepped balcony below it — both scream “Art Deco”.

Iron lamps flanking each entry convey a more traditional tone.

An original illuminated exterior sign is typical of many found on older Masonic buildings.

This semi-spherical lump of terra cotta has a mate nearby; the two flank what was originally a garage door opening in the facade. Does anyone know the proper name for these? They were more typically made of iron.

A peek through the glass reveals a well-preserved Art Deco lobby. An ornamental ceiling retains its original light fixtures. Stepped wall niches frame Art Deco wall sconces. I’d love to see what kind of floor treatment is under that carpet!

Bronze plaque at entry.
Following are two more Art Deco buildings designed by S. S. Voigt:

The Anthony Theater in Anthony, Kansas, was built in 1936. It was recently renovated and reopened in 2017. Image courtesy of Google Street View.

The Hotel Roberts in Pratt, Kansas, was built in 1930. Later renamed the Parrish Hotel, it has recently been renovated and converted to “loft” apartments. Image courtesy of Google Street View.
What is the story behind the green glass panes?
I’m no expert on Masonic tradition, but I think the reason that many (but not all) Masonic lodges have either few windows, no windows or obscured windows stems from an historic desire for privacy and secrecy. Here is an amusing thread which addresses a similar question! My favorite quote from that thread:
“It’s not just Masonic lodges. A lot of Moose Lodges, Elks Clubs, VFWs, Eagles, American Legions, etc., have very few windows as well. In some cases, maybe that’s because the establishment functions as a bar.”
LOL! Perhaps a Mason or someone who knows more about Masonry can shed further light on the subject…
That is an especially attractive structure! I especially like the green glass. The original lobby details are an extra treat! Those kinds of things so rarely last that long without being “updated”.
As organizations such as the Masons decline, there are a sad number of decaying buildings left behind. Here in Aurora, our former Masonic Temple is on the verge of collapse (or demolition, depending on which occurs first):,-88.3127871,3a,75y,165.42h,110.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVhEFUuf521nu1bc_XxfmTg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
I like the green glass also… it would be fun to experience the windows from the interior. It really is surprising that the lobby is so unchanged; the 80’s-looking carpet is the only obvious update. Masonic Temples are often monumental like the one you link to in Aurora; the organization typically had excellent taste in architecture! It’s tragic that so many of these architect-designed structures now appear to be financial burdens; their frequently elaborate interiors could be repurposed into interesting new functions if the buildings can only survive. Many have already found new uses; hopefully more will follow.
I love these old Masonic Temples, this one is a real charmer. The details are really great, especially the stepping of the balconies. It would be fun to see the auditorium flooded with green light! Not the classical red and blue art glass of churches, but an entirely different kind of feeling. Maybe extra mystical. . . or more like kryptonite. On an entirely different note, Lodge 49 was one of my favorite new shows this fall. Worth a watch.
The green windows are both mystical and reminiscent of kryptonite! I’m kind of removed from popular culture, but I just read a synopsis of Lodge 49 and it sounds very intriguing… I will definitely check it out!