The two houses shown below have each been augmented with brackets. Both houses date to somewhere around 1910 and are vernacular examples of the foursquare form. Neither house is specifically styled, but each has characteristics common to both Colonial Revival and Prairie houses; both styles were popular when these houses were built. Neither house was intended to have any curvy flourishes, but both have recently acquired some:

The simple Tuscan columns on this house were not intended to sport brackets when originally installed. The porch has been altered in other ways as well… the porch floor is not as deep as it once was and the the columns appear to stand in front of the porch rather than on the porch. The door is also a recent replacement.

This house has been altered in numerous ways including the addition of brackets below the deep eaves. Other alterations include the large arched window, addition with bow window, the addition of shutters, door surround with pilasters and brick porch steps.