Keys House Update

Keys House Update

Work continues to progress at the Keys House project, even if somewhat sporadically. Finishes are being peeled back in some rooms, shedding more light on their original appearances. On the exterior, the north and south walls have been relieved of vinyl and are being...
You Just Never Know…

You Just Never Know…

You just never know what horrors are lurking beneath seemingly innocuous surfaces in a house (old or new) until you begin to investigate. The last few weeks have revealed numerous issues which will need to be resolved, but have also revealed many happy discoveries!...
Work Resumes on the Keys House

Work Resumes on the Keys House

Little has happened at the Keys house in recent months, but that is beginning to change. We’re finally able to devote some more time to the project and will continue pecking away it it in small increments. We’ve also found some things for the house which...
Clues in the Attic

Clues in the Attic

On a whim, I ventured into the unfinished part of the attic last week. A previous jaunt had revealed some antique drapery rods and curtain hardware. What else may be hiding between the dusty joists? A chimney, ever so slightly stepped to the left, marks the transition...