by Architectural Observer | Oct 8, 2018 | Blog, Observations
When is a Bruce Goff house not a Bruce Goff house? When the architect and his protégé client have a dispute. Such is the case with the semi-circular “Round House” in Dallas, Texas. Built over a course of nearly six years beginning in 1957 by importer...
by Architectural Observer | Oct 4, 2018 | Blog, Drag Queen Architecture
The “pyramidal house” seen here is a vernacular example of a popular national house form (single story, square plan with four rooms and a pyramidal roof). Similar houses were built throughout the nation from roughly 1890 to 1930. Their practical form...
by Architectural Observer | Sep 30, 2018 | Blog, Observations
Likely built in the 1920’s, this former Craftsman style bungalow had been given a stylish makeover in the mid-twentieth century in a presumed effort to make the house look more like a contemporary ranch style. While the jaunty lines of the carport were at odds...
by Architectural Observer | Sep 18, 2018 | Blog, Observations
Last weekend I had the pleasure of taking in the 12th annual Highway 36 “Treasure Hunt”, a three-day flea market which stretches across the northernmost tier of Kansas counties. While I didn’t traverse the entire state, I did tackle much of the...
by Architectural Observer | Sep 9, 2018 | Blog, Drag Queen Architecture
Our nation’s insatiable appetite for keeping up with fashion and embracing the next new trend has long taken an extensive toll on the integrity of its historic buildings. The 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s were witness to countless building facade...
by Architectural Observer | Sep 4, 2018 | Blog, Observations
“Every year, the National Park Service tells millions of visitors to Grand Canyon National Park that Mary Colter (1869-1958) designed landmark structures there. Two movies, two plays, two biographies, and countless magazine and newspaper articles have...