Here are six houses which have all been altered in one way or another…

As if losing its roof wasn’t bad enough, this house has endured a porch enclosure, replacement windows and vinyl siding. If it weren’t for the bay window on the side, this house might be mistaken for a two-story mobile home.

This house began as a modest example of the Craftsman style as evidenced by its low-pitched roof with exposed rafter tails. Its character is in the process of being erased with two kinds of vinyl replacement windows and a neo-Victorian door.

These two houses are not mirror images of each other, but they were updated about a century ago with combination porch/porte-cochères which are!

This house is in the process of receiving its second installation of maintenance-free siding. The original wood siding may be seen also. New replacement windows do not resemble the originals. Porch supports were replaced decades ago. The attic dormer window has been converted to a giant louvered grille.

Its hard to tell the exact sequence of events here, but there is an old house which once had stylistic integrity somewhere beneath the blue siding.