It’s Sunday morning in a small Midwestern town; the mood is slightly surreal.  The few people who are out are gathered at an auction house; a cluster of vehicles surrounds it.  Loudspeakers along the main street fill the air with a woman’s voice intoning a church sermon.  A couple seated in plastic chairs along the sidewalk smoke cigarettes.  The stores are all closed.  It was a great day to observe architecture and take photos.  Thanks for coming along!


Door and newspapers.


Tires on sidewalk.

Brick, tires, pavement.


Three stages of construction.

Current incarnation.


Corner of bank.

Corner of bank.


Slightly Hopperesque, no?

Slightly Hopperesque, no?





This view was taken in a neighboring town later in the day. The town was similarly empty.

This photo was taken in a neighboring town later in the day. The town was similarly empty.




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