This door graces a mid-20th century ranch house in Southwestern Nebraska. I had to photograph it when I saw a “For Sale” sign in the yard and determined that no one was actually living in the house. An unfortunate storm door could not completely obscure the whimsical circle-motif glazing. I’d be willing to bet that the new owner will be sending this door to the landfill and replacing it with some ubiquitous fake “Craftsman” style door from a Big Box retailer. I’ll be keeping an eye on this place and plan to photograph it again in one year to see if my jaded prediction pans out. I hope I’m wrong. Until then, here it is in all of its extant glory:

The entire door… detail below:

Glazing of circular inspiration makes this door memorable (though I’m betting that whoever buys this house will want to forget).
It’s been just over a year (one year and sixteen days, to be precise) since I posted about this door. I drove by the house today to see that it has been sold and is now occupied. The door is still in place… for now. I still predict that it will be replaced in the near future… I will check back once a year. Just because. Here is how the door appeared this morning (photo slightly blurry, taken from car window):

Seemingly safe for now…
Very cool. I am hoping the future owner will see its value and interest too.
We can always hope. I’ve become a bit cynical about such things, I guess. I’ll do a follow-up blog post if something changes or in a year’s time, whichever comes first!
More than a year has passed and I forgot to do a follow-up! As of 2019, the door was still in place. It appears that the new owner(s) either like it or are at least OK with it.
Thanks for the update! Nice to see the whimsical rings are still there!