The formerly common structures which once characterized the Great Plains and other rural areas have been disappearing for decades.  The erosion is now accelerating at a mind-boggling pace.  Take a look before they’re gone forever:


Former home.  The steep roof with wide fascia boards, 2-over-2 windows and corner board with simple capital suggests a build date in the 1880’s.


House with additions.


Rural structure of unknown purpose.


Outbuildings on abandoned homestead.


Vacant house in a small town, early 20th century.  The outline of a former porch is still visible.


Abandoned house.


Neglected silo and outbuilding built of concrete block.


Collapased outbuilding.


Former garage.


Another neglected garage – this one was extended to accommodate a longer vehicle than the one it was built for!


Farm outbuilding built of concrete block, mid-20th century.


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